competition by-laws update

NSBA recently completed a review of the current NSBA Competition By-Laws with a focus on key operational and administrative areas requiring an update.

As a result of this review, proposed amendments to the NSBA Competition By-laws were provided to the NSBA Board and have since been endorsed. These changes covered five key areas:

·      Forfeits (cl 14 & 15)
·      Duty Requirements (cl 17)
·      Fines (cl 19)
·      Uniforms (cl 22)
·      Expectation of Sportsmanship (cl 24)

This webpage is designed to keep you up to date on the changes to the Competition By-Laws which will come into effect on 14 July 2024.

Contact: For immediate enquiries, please contact Abbey Martin by email:

  • 30 May 2024: Proposed changes open for review and feedback by the NSBA membership

    2 June 2024: Member Feedback form closes at 11:59pm

    7 June 2024: Confirmation of by-laws to be adopted sent to Members and Queries form opens

    19 June 2024: Queries form closes at 11:59pm

    5 July 2024: New by-laws published and Information Session Zoom link sent to Members

    8 July 2024: Information Session will be held via Zoom at 6:00pm

    14 July 2024: New by-laws come into effect

Current Information: July 2024

NSBA held a Competitions By-Laws Information Session for Members on Monday 8th July which explained the processes involved with the updated By-Laws.

The recording of this session and a full copy of the updated by-laws can be viewed below.

The updated By-Laws come into effect on Sunday 14th July 2024 and are applicable to the 2024 Spring Senior, Junior, and Miniball Competitions

5 June 2024

Member feedback has been reviewed and amendments to the Proposed By-laws have now been made.

The Revised By-Laws Document outlines Member feedback, changes to the proposed by-laws, and the revised by-laws that will come into effect on 14 July 2024.

Members can submit queries relating to the by-laws change using our Revised By-Laws Q&A Form which will be available until 11:59pm on Wednesday 19 June 2024.

30 May 2024

Proposed changes to the by-laws are now open for NSBA member feedback before final approval and subsequent implementation.

The Member Review Document outlines the major changes and rationale for the changes. It also provides a copy of the proposed by-laws.

Members can provide feedback by completing the Feedback Form by 11:59pm on Sunday 2nd June 2024.