CompetitionS OVERVIEW
senior competition
Norths Basketball prides itself on well-organised, fun and inclusive competitions for all skill levels and ages.
The senior competitions run twice a year.
Contact Abbey Martin at for any questions about our Senior Competition.
NSBA isn't currently accepting team nominations, however, to register your interest in joining our Senior Competition, please contact Abbey.

JUNIOR competition
Norths Basketball hosts competitions for all children aged 12 to 17 of all levels.
Competitions are played Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday across 5 venues on the Lower North Shore.
Contact Vance Abreu at for any questions about our Junior Competition.
NSBA isn't currently accepting team nominations, however, to register your interest in joining our Junior Competition, please contact Vance.

MINIBALL competition
Miniball at Norths Basketball is a fun and inclusive first touchpoint for young basketballers.
U8 - The U8s at Norths play in the 3X3 format, which is a fast-paced and fun setting for children to learn about the game of basketball. The Referees in this competition are trained coaches who will help your little superstar grow.
U10, 12, 13 - Play in the 5v5 format in 2 x 18m halves and are played across 5 venues on the lower North Shore.
Contact Vance Abreu at for any questions about our North Shore Ford Miniball Competition.
NSBA isn't currently accepting team nominations, however, to register your interest in joining our Miniball Competition, please contact Vance.